Pizza at home

I’m lucky to have a stove at home that can finally support my pizza-making. I highly recommend Wolf stoves. Here are some results:

This one is a multi-grain dough, including white, wheat, rye, and a little bit of cornmeal. The toppings are sliced yukon gold potatoes, braised balsamic onions, spicy garlic wilted greens, a little extra-sharp cheddar, and a little ricotta on top.

Henry (my son) asked for pepperoni pizza, so this is what I made for him:

Tee hee.

Why do kids always want pepperoni? Mystery. 

This is a straight-up pepperoni pizza made New York style. In this style, the sauce goes on the pie first, followed by the cheese, with the pepperoni on top of the cheese. (This must be authentic unless it's done right. I learned this from Tony Gemignani, my teacher/mentor/friend.)